语义纠错 Semantic Denoising

Correct errors in wording, punctuation, grammar and many other types of problems in the text, and return correct corrections to the target.

使用 Usage

加载模型 Loading Models

git clone https://github.com/IDEA-CCNL/Fengshenbang-LM.git
from fengshen.models.transfo_xl_denoise.tokenization_transfo_xl_denoise import TransfoXLDenoiseTokenizer
from fengshen.models.transfo_xl_denoise.modeling_transfo_xl_denoise import TransfoXLDenoiseModel

tokenizer = TransfoXLDenoiseTokenizer.from_pretrained('IDEA-CCNL/Randeng-Transformer-1.1B-Denoise')
model = TransfoXLDenoiseModel.from_pretrained('IDEA-CCNL/Randeng-Transformer-1.1B-Denoise')

使用示例 Usage Examples

from fengshen.models.transfo_xl_denoise.generate import denoise_generate
input_text = "凡是有成就的人, 都很严肃地对待生命自己的"
res = denoise_generate(model, tokenizer,  input_text)
# "有成就的人都很严肃地对待自己的生命。"

引用 Citation


If you are using the resource for your work, please cite the our paper:

  author    = {Junjie Wang and Yuxiang Zhang and Lin Zhang and Ping Yang and Xinyu Gao and Ziwei Wu and Xiaoqun Dong and Junqing He and Jianheng Zhuo and Qi Yang and Yongfeng Huang and Xiayu Li and Yanghan Wu and Junyu Lu and Xinyu Zhu and Weifeng Chen and Ting Han and Kunhao Pan and Rui Wang and Hao Wang and Xiaojun Wu and Zhongshen Zeng and Chongpei Chen and Ruyi Gan and Jiaxing Zhang},
  title     = {Fengshenbang 1.0: Being the Foundation of Chinese Cognitive Intelligence},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/2209.02970},
  year      = {2022}


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